Dear programmers out there,
I have managed to get the data I want from excel into PPT using VBA,
however, I have come across a small problem. As it is now I can only
import the data on the second row (numbered row 1). But I want the
pasting of values to start in the upper most left corner of the data
table in PPT.
The code I have used is:
Sub PPGraphMacro()
NoRows = 10
Set wbook = ActiveWorkbook
Template = "Waterfall template"
testsheet = "Waterfall data"
Sht = testsheet
'Defines the files to be used for opening and saving presentations
strPresPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\PWessel\My Documents
\Essentials\temp\" & Template & ".ppt"
strNewPresPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\PWessel\My Documents
\Essentials\temp\" & Template & " - output.ppt"
Set oPPTApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
oPPTApp.Visible = msoTrue
Set oPPTFile = oPPTApp.Presentations.Open(strPresPath)
SlideNum = 1
'Updates graph
Rectangle = "Graph"
Set oPPTShape = oPPTFile.Slides(SlideNum).Shapes(Rectangle)
Set oGraph = oPPTShape.OLEFormat.Object
Range(wbook.Sheets(Sht).Cells(1, 2), wbook.Sheets(Sht).Cells(5,
NoRows + 2)).Copy
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("00").Paste True
'Clears the settings before exiting
oPPTFile.SaveAs strNewPresPath
Set oGraph = Nothing
Set oPPTShape = Nothing
Set oPPTFile = Nothing
Set oPPTApp = Nothing
Rectangle = ""
End Sub
Hence the problem is the
"oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("00").Paste True" where I have
specified the range as "00". I have also tried "A0" and so forth..
Anyone have a suggestion how to get the values pasted in the upper
left corner?
I appreciate any help/suggestions that can be given.
Kind regards,
I have managed to get the data I want from excel into PPT using VBA,
however, I have come across a small problem. As it is now I can only
import the data on the second row (numbered row 1). But I want the
pasting of values to start in the upper most left corner of the data
table in PPT.
The code I have used is:
Sub PPGraphMacro()
NoRows = 10
Set wbook = ActiveWorkbook
Template = "Waterfall template"
testsheet = "Waterfall data"
Sht = testsheet
'Defines the files to be used for opening and saving presentations
strPresPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\PWessel\My Documents
\Essentials\temp\" & Template & ".ppt"
strNewPresPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\PWessel\My Documents
\Essentials\temp\" & Template & " - output.ppt"
Set oPPTApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
oPPTApp.Visible = msoTrue
Set oPPTFile = oPPTApp.Presentations.Open(strPresPath)
SlideNum = 1
'Updates graph
Rectangle = "Graph"
Set oPPTShape = oPPTFile.Slides(SlideNum).Shapes(Rectangle)
Set oGraph = oPPTShape.OLEFormat.Object
Range(wbook.Sheets(Sht).Cells(1, 2), wbook.Sheets(Sht).Cells(5,
NoRows + 2)).Copy
oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("00").Paste True
'Clears the settings before exiting
oPPTFile.SaveAs strNewPresPath
Set oGraph = Nothing
Set oPPTShape = Nothing
Set oPPTFile = Nothing
Set oPPTApp = Nothing
Rectangle = ""
End Sub
Hence the problem is the
"oGraph.Application.DataSheet.Range("00").Paste True" where I have
specified the range as "00". I have also tried "A0" and so forth..
Anyone have a suggestion how to get the values pasted in the upper
left corner?
I appreciate any help/suggestions that can be given.
Kind regards,