Setting the auto number back to 1

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Delete all Records in the Table and then do a Compact &
Repair of your database.

However, please not that the only purpose of AutoNumber
Field is to provide uniqueness to each Record in the Table
and the actual value allocated to each Record shouldn't
matter. In fact, users shouldn't even see the values of
the AutoNumber Field and the values can become random and
even negative.

If the actual values allocated are important to you, e.g.
sequential numbers, you should not use AutoNumber Field.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)
| how do i set the auto number back to 1 for a new data
| base. It keeps starting off at 221.
You would need to:

1. Delete all rows in the table.
2. Compact the database.

This will reset your autonumber to one.

Hope this helps,
Let me add to the comments already made. Auto number fields are not
designed to provide what you want. They are designed only to provide unique
numbers which may or may not be in order (occasionally not unique). It is
generally poor design to show the numbers to a user or in a report.