I would like to find out how I could set all text that is entered in to my
text boxes in my form as uppercase. How do you do this?
text boxes in my form as uppercase. How do you do this?
i've been struggling with other issues and hoping for some replies - then I
saw this post and it was funny because i just finished having succes with
this but I was wondering whether i did it in a good way - i put the following
code in the on exit event of each text box:
Private Sub HouseholdLastName_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim UCHouseholdLastName As String
If Me.Dirty Then
UCHouseholdLastName = HouseholdLastName.Value
UCHouseholdLastName = UCase(UCHouseholdLastName)
HouseholdLastName.Value = UCHouseholdLastName
End If