Setting table boundaries

  • Thread starter Thread starter melawaisi
  • Start date Start date



I am trying to create a table in Excel that has 7 columns. one column
is just a sequential number, the next 2 columns are values (one volts,
the other current), and then finally 4 columns.

I would like to divide the table into 4 rows section and identify this
by different colors. the way i would like to divide this is by using
voltage ranges, so if the voltage is between 1-10v then background
color will be red, and the first of the last 4 columns is set to yes,
if the volts is between 10-20 then the second valus is set yes and a
differnt color is spplied to the rows?

I would appreciate any help,
Thanks you

Conditional formatting will let you format a row (for color, etc) based on
values in one cell, but there are only three conditional formats available.
A fourth could be normal color formatting, but will apply any time the three
conditions are not met. This may not satisfy your requirements.

If your voltage data follows a consistent four-row pattern, you could
manually format the rows for the colors, then use the format painter to copy
those formats to succeeding rows. I suspect perhaps that your voltages don't
necessarily have such a pattern in each four-row block, but you don't say.
In that case, a macro will have to be used to apply the colors based on the
actual voltages, since there are only three conditional formats available
per cell. It can be made to run automatically whenever the data changes,
thus keeping the colors current.

An IF function could be used in the "yes" column, but I don't think we know
enough about all the particulars on when it's to return "yes". Something
like this, and copied down with the fill handle.

Perhaps you can give some example data. Indicate which is the given
(independent) data, and which is to be a result of that data.