I am trying to create a table in Excel that has 7 columns. one column
is just a sequential number, the next 2 columns are values (one volts,
the other current), and then finally 4 columns.
I would like to divide the table into 4 rows section and identify this
by different colors. the way i would like to divide this is by using
voltage ranges, so if the voltage is between 1-10v then background
color will be red, and the first of the last 4 columns is set to yes,
if the volts is between 10-20 then the second valus is set yes and a
differnt color is spplied to the rows?
I would appreciate any help,
Thanks you
I am trying to create a table in Excel that has 7 columns. one column
is just a sequential number, the next 2 columns are values (one volts,
the other current), and then finally 4 columns.
I would like to divide the table into 4 rows section and identify this
by different colors. the way i would like to divide this is by using
voltage ranges, so if the voltage is between 1-10v then background
color will be red, and the first of the last 4 columns is set to yes,
if the volts is between 10-20 then the second valus is set yes and a
differnt color is spplied to the rows?
I would appreciate any help,
Thanks you