Hi Andrew,
AFAIK you do have to allow users the permission to delete. As follows are a few
Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles on the subject. Note that I am not an Office
Expert and do not keep up with workarounds/fixes for Office issues. You may want to
post in a newsgroup where the Office Experts hang-out such as:
KB157115 - XL: Delete Permissions Required to Save File on Network Server
KB244728 - WD2000: Windows NT Network Privileges Required to Run Word
Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- c x g
: <harg7769 AT lineone DOT net>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 03:26 AM
: The autorecover Save location is already to the local drive, and as
: such isn't affected by the rights applied to the network drive.
: Surely I don't have to allow users to delete office files? There must
: be a way around this.
: > On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 13:11:55 -0400
: > In message : > Can you try <SNIP> changing the "AutoRecover Save Location" <SNIP>
: >> <
[email protected]>
: >> Wrote in message : >> Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:28 AM
: >> <SNIP>
: >> When I save the file though, it will delete the file held in
: >> c:\windows\temp, create another temp file in the same folder as the
: >> original file, and attempt to save the file using that temp file it
: >> has just created in the network drive. As it is unable to delete the
: >> temp file, the save cannot go ahead. <SNIP>
: >> The same thing happens when saving a Word file, except Word gives an
: >> error message. "Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error"
: >> > On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 18:11:56 -0700
: >> > "Charles McMillan" <mcmillance AT hotmail DOT com>
: >> > Wrote in message : >> >
: >> > Give users the rights to create and delete files from the
: >> > C:\temp directory or which ever directory you are using
: >> > for your temp directory. <SNIP>
: >> >> <harg7769 AT lineone DOT net>
: >> >> Wrote in message : >> >> Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 08:30 AM
: >> >> What rights should a user have so that they cannot delete files in a
: >> >> folder? I thought that by denying delete and delete subfolders and
: >> >> files, I would be ok. However, when I open an Excel file and try to
: >> >> save it, it can't save it, as the user is unable to delete the temp
: >> >> file created when you open the Excel file.