setting pics in place with the music

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i am a new user. i want to set the pics where i want them in the music. i was
trying to play the music, then pause it and place the pic, but that's not
Would you explain a bit more about what's not working.... overall the
approach sounds OK, assuming you know that all pics on the video track
automatically snug up to the left.

To add a picture before the space is full to it's left, you would need to
add a filler clip. I use a plain black one with whatever duration is needed
to push the picture out on the timeline to where I want it.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
tips and tricks:
Online Newsletters:

Understand the problem and its easy to say, but it really is easy when
you know how. :)

The stills that you drop on the timeline will apear with a duration in
seconds that is obtained from one of the set-up options.

If you want an image to remain on screen longer than that default click
the image on the time line (that selects it) and then place your mouse over
the right hand edge of that still and....holding down the mouse button drag
that edge to the right. Let go of the mouse button when the edge of the clip
is exactly where you want it.

Slightly more advanced...

If you want the images to fade from one to the next you have to drag the
left clip (of the two) further to the right by say one second. You then
click the right image and whilst holding down the mouse button slide the
entire clip to the left untill it overlaps the left clip......Don't worry
about the length of the overlap.

Next, place the mouse over the small overlay sectrion just below the
stills. When you do this you will see a small display telling you the
duration of the overlap. To make it larger or smaller use the same method on
that overlay bar as you did when altering the duration of a clip...simply
place the mouse over the right edge of the overlap bar and click and hold
the mouse button down and slide the right edge to the left ot right. You
will see that a small display will show up while doing that...the display is
telling you how long the fade process will be.

When you have those two steps sorted the next step is to adjust the
duration of the right clip using the same process when adjusting the left
hand clip.....

The end result will be the left clip fading out of existence at the
point you want and the right clip starting at the point you want..

If you want more help you can always join the Common Rooms at my web

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Hello again,

I should have also said...Because of a limitation in Movieww Maker you
can NOT move the end of a still clip to the left or right by just one frame
1/25th or 1/30th of a second dependent on whether you use Pal or NTSC. In
Pal you have a resolution of 8 whole frames because of that
limitation....almost 1/3 of a second.

If your ultimate ambition is to send the video to a DVD for use in a
standard might want to consider Nero from It
permits editing down to one frame in duration, has some pretty cool
transitions abd effects (quite different to Movie Makers.) and it is almost
the industry standard when it comes to burning DVD's (I recently used it to
simultaneously burn three DVD's at a time).

Once you have the basics under your belt you might want to consider
using MovieDV the big brother of MovieXone. Both products are from the
Cinegy stable (Post production company for many film companies) Out of the
box its pretty fantastic allowing you to have 11 videos inside the screen
each doing its own thing which can if you want include movement in 3D space.
It includes effect editors and more bells and whistles than is decent.

First steps first though....if you need any more help with your stills,
just ask :)

Best Wishes.....John Kelly