Setting permissions on a subweb



After I have created the file to a subweb I go to my Tools
menu and point to Security to set the permissions. Only
problem is my Security is greyed out or enabled. Is there
a setting or setup in Frontpage2000 to enable this?

Thomas A. Rowe

You must have published the subweb to your live server, then open the subweb
on the server to access this option. However, even then this option will
only be available to you if your host allows you to set unique permissions.
Also, not all host allow users to create subwebs.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


I CONTINUE to have this problem.
\Have you a solution?

MS (Doesn't work) "Help" says to:

Open Network on control panel
Unselect Priint and File Sharing

Any help anywhere?

CC: reply to:
(e-mail address removed)


In order to get your "Security - Permissions" to not be grayed out you must
log into your Web Site LIVE. In order to do this you want to open FrontPage
then click on "File" then "Open Web". In the Folder Name area type in the
address of your web page..i.e. and hit ENTER.
The same applies for subwebs however you will type
You will be prompted for your Username and Password for logging into your
site to make changes or publish. Once this is done, you will see the layout
of your page. YOu are now logged in LIVE to your site. Any changes made to
your site are automatically published.

Keep in mind, your server must allow you to set Permissions.

Good Luck,

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