Setting options globally (2007)



I am having trouble getting settings to apply to *ALL* documents.
Perhaps I need a tutorial on global vs local settings.

If I change some setting, how do I know whether it applies to thay
document, to all documents based on that template, or all documents

The settings I just struggled with are (a) display hidden text and (b)
a printer option to display all colors as black. In both cases, I
changed the settings in one document, but would like them to apply to
all documents. I have thousands of documents and dozens of templates.
I really don't want to change them all manually.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Display of hidden text is an environment setting; there's no way you can
link it to a specific template or the documents based on it (short of an
AutoOpen/AutoNew macro). If hidden text is displayed in the window from
which you open the document, it will be open in the document you open, and
vice versa.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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