I have a date field in a SQL table that allows null.
If certain conditions are met in the user interface I need to set the field to nulls.
using a typed dataset I do the following
Dim rOrgPolicyRow As dsTyped.orgpolicyRow = tOrgPolicy.NeworgpolicyRow
I am attempting to set the field = to null using the following code.
rOrgPolicyRow.termdate = DBNull.Value
I get an error saying that system.dbnull cannot be converted to date.
Has anyone else experienced the same problem? If so how did you resolve?
If certain conditions are met in the user interface I need to set the field to nulls.
using a typed dataset I do the following
Dim rOrgPolicyRow As dsTyped.orgpolicyRow = tOrgPolicy.NeworgpolicyRow
I am attempting to set the field = to null using the following code.
rOrgPolicyRow.termdate = DBNull.Value
I get an error saying that system.dbnull cannot be converted to date.
Has anyone else experienced the same problem? If so how did you resolve?