I have nine PC's networked together using a hub. One of
my PC's runs Windows XP Home, and the other eight run
Windows 98SE. I have files shared on the XP machine that
I can access from any of the other eight computers, but I
can only have five users accessing the files at any given
time. As soon as I try with the sixth, I receive a
message stating the network is unavailable.
Is there a setting to increase the number of users that
can access these shared files at the same time?
my PC's runs Windows XP Home, and the other eight run
Windows 98SE. I have files shared on the XP machine that
I can access from any of the other eight computers, but I
can only have five users accessing the files at any given
time. As soon as I try with the sixth, I receive a
message stating the network is unavailable.
Is there a setting to increase the number of users that
can access these shared files at the same time?