Setting margins

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After getting a new computer which now has Windows XP, margins for the same printers that previously could be set for 0.00, can no longer be set. Every other computer in the office using Windows 98 can still be set to 0.00 for the same printer. Mine can not. Can this be changed some how. Obviously the printer will allow it on other computers. Can it possibly be something in Windows XP thats causing the problem?
Yes. The unprintable area is a function of the printer driver, and the
Windows XP printer driver will probably be different from the Windows 98

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

ccaz said:
After getting a new computer which now has Windows XP, margins for the
same printers that previously could be set for 0.00, can no longer be set.
Every other computer in the office using Windows 98 can still be set to 0.00
for the same printer. Mine can not. Can this be changed some how.
Obviously the printer will allow it on other computers. Can it possibly be
something in Windows XP thats causing the problem?