Lars Netzel
I need to have a limitation for the number of rows one can add in a datagrid
(bound from a DataTable), in this case maximum should be 10 rows.
My approach I guess is to catch the rownumber in the CurrencyManager via
BindingContext.PositionChanged but how do I then stop new rows from being
in FormLoad() I add a handler for the bindingcontext and a datatable called
AddHandler BindingContext(Me.Articles).PositionChanged, AddressOf
Public Sub ArticleList_PositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
CurrencyManager).Position + 1
If CType(sender, CurrencyManager).Count > 10 Then
'some smart code goes here?
End If
End Sub
Please Help!
/Lars Netzel
I need to have a limitation for the number of rows one can add in a datagrid
(bound from a DataTable), in this case maximum should be 10 rows.
My approach I guess is to catch the rownumber in the CurrencyManager via
BindingContext.PositionChanged but how do I then stop new rows from being
in FormLoad() I add a handler for the bindingcontext and a datatable called
AddHandler BindingContext(Me.Articles).PositionChanged, AddressOf
Public Sub ArticleList_PositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
CurrencyManager).Position + 1
If CType(sender, CurrencyManager).Count > 10 Then
'some smart code goes here?
End If
End Sub
Please Help!
/Lars Netzel