Hi there,
I am populating a listbox in form by a select query
whereby I set the criteria what to select through
comboboxes on a form, which are referenced in the
criteria section of the query. All works fine apart from
setting the criteria Is Null and Is Not Null.
My approach has been to reference an empty (invisible)
textbox on the form in the criteria section, but that
returns an empty recordset. I have also tried "", same
Of course a solution is to use a separate query with the
Is Null criterion typed in the crieria section, but I
would really like to know if the Is Null and Is Not Null
crieria for a query can be set programmatically from a
control's or combobox afterupdate event. In my case it
would substantially reduce on the number of queries in
the database.
I am populating a listbox in form by a select query
whereby I set the criteria what to select through
comboboxes on a form, which are referenced in the
criteria section of the query. All works fine apart from
setting the criteria Is Null and Is Not Null.
My approach has been to reference an empty (invisible)
textbox on the form in the criteria section, but that
returns an empty recordset. I have also tried "", same
Of course a solution is to use a separate query with the
Is Null criterion typed in the crieria section, but I
would really like to know if the Is Null and Is Not Null
crieria for a query can be set programmatically from a
control's or combobox afterupdate event. In my case it
would substantially reduce on the number of queries in
the database.