Setting files/folders permission

  • Thread starter Thread starter Samuel Shum
  • Start date Start date

Samuel Shum

Hello, I'm just wondering if there are any .Net objects that I can use in
the framework that set folders/files permission, assign quotas to users.

Any suggestions/comments are welcome. Thanks in advance.

Try the classes System.IO.FileInfo or System.IO.DirectoryInfo to read or set
attributes to files or dirs. They are using FileAttributes-Enumeration.
Thanks for the information, but it seems that the classes are not for
folder/file security permission. Say "UserA" under "CertainGroup" has full
access for directory "DirectoryA" whereas other members inside this group
have "read" access only and so on.

The "FileIOPermission" class under "System.Security.Permissions" seems to be
close, but I still can't figure out how to solve the problem with it...
