Hi have a calendar that I fill in the day of the month, but what i would
like to do now is change the backgrounf color of those days.
On Load Event
Dim x As String
Dim i As Integer
Me.TitleLabel.Caption = varMonth + " " + CStr(varYear)
DoCmd.GoToControl "Text" + CStr(varStartDay) 'The day of the week to start
varStartDay = varStartDay - 1 'Because the index starts with 0
For i = 1 To varDays 'the number of days in the month
Me.Controls.Item(varStartDay) = i
[Text#].BackColor = vbWhite 'here is where in need to change the
background color of
each text box in the
for loop
varStartDay = varStartDay + 1
Next i
Hi have a calendar that I fill in the day of the month, but what i would
like to do now is change the backgrounf color of those days.
On Load Event
Dim x As String
Dim i As Integer
Me.TitleLabel.Caption = varMonth + " " + CStr(varYear)
DoCmd.GoToControl "Text" + CStr(varStartDay) 'The day of the week to start
varStartDay = varStartDay - 1 'Because the index starts with 0
For i = 1 To varDays 'the number of days in the month
Me.Controls.Item(varStartDay) = i
[Text#].BackColor = vbWhite 'here is where in need to change the
background color of
each text box in the
for loop
varStartDay = varStartDay + 1
Next i