The first sub below will make 4 big toolbars that show the ID numbers
when you hover your pointer over them. The second removes them. There
are other utilities out there but I never recorded where they are, or
saved those messages.
MS Excel MVP
Sub ShowFaceIDs()
Dim NewToolbar As CommandBar
Dim NewButton As CommandBarButton
Dim i As Integer, IDStart As Integer, IDStop As Integer
' Delete existing FaceIds toolbar if it exists
' Add an empty toolbar
Set NewToolbar = Application.CommandBars.Add _
(Name:="FaceIds1", temporary:=True)
NewToolbar.Visible = True
' Change the following values to see different FaceIDs
IDStart = 1
IDStop = 250
For i = IDStart To IDStop
Set NewButton = NewToolbar.Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=2950)
NewButton.FaceId = i
NewButton.Caption = "FaceID = " & i
Next i
NewToolbar.Width = 600
' Add an empty toolbar
Set NewToolbar = Application.CommandBars.Add _
(Name:="FaceIds2", temporary:=True)
NewToolbar.Visible = True
' Change the following values to see different FaceIDs
IDStart = 251
IDStop = 500
For i = IDStart To IDStop
Set NewButton = NewToolbar.Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=2950)
NewButton.FaceId = i
NewButton.Caption = "FaceID = " & i
Next i
NewToolbar.Width = 600
' Add an empty toolbar
Set NewToolbar = Application.CommandBars.Add _
(Name:="FaceIds3", temporary:=True)
NewToolbar.Visible = True
' Change the following values to see different FaceIDs
IDStart = 501
IDStop = 750
For i = IDStart To IDStop
Set NewButton = NewToolbar.Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=2950)
NewButton.FaceId = i
NewButton.Caption = "FaceID = " & i
Next i
NewToolbar.Width = 600
' Add an empty toolbar
Set NewToolbar = Application.CommandBars.Add _
(Name:="FaceIds4", temporary:=True)
NewToolbar.Visible = True
' Change the following values to see different FaceIDs
IDStart = 751
IDStop = 1000
For i = IDStart To IDStop
Set NewButton = NewToolbar.Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=2950)
NewButton.FaceId = i
NewButton.Caption = "FaceID = " & i
Next i
NewToolbar.Width = 600
End Sub
Sub CleanUp()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub