Setting Default Registered owner for installing programs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Norman Rosenthal
  • Start date Start date

Norman Rosenthal

Does anyone know how I can setup or where in the registry I can set a
Default Registed owner so when I install a program it doesnt default
to blank but deafutls to my name and company?

Norman Rosenthal,

In XP, some programs allow you to set an a specific owner for each of them. Now you can go into the Registry and change the name listed for the program. There will be several folders that you need to go through.

START button> Run> Type: regedit> GoTo>

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\Large ID#\InstallProperties

Right-click the RegOwner key> Modify> Change to what you want it to be.


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Does anyone know how I can setup or where in the registry I can set a
Default Registed owner so when I install a program it doesnt default
to blank but deafutls to my name and company?


Just curious,
Why would you set this for the LocalSystem account?
Shouldn't that be the user's account??
(trying to learn here)

Norman Rosenthal,

In XP, some programs allow you to set an a specific owner for each of them.
Now you can go into the Registry and change the name listed for the program.
There will be several folders that you need to go through.

START button> Run> Type: regedit> GoTo>


Right-click the RegOwner key> Modify> Change to what you want it to be.


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Does anyone know how I can setup or where in the registry I can set a
Default Registed owner so when I install a program it doesnt default
to blank but deafutls to my name and company?

I understand that I can go throuhg each one but how do I set it globally so
it takes netxt time. I have it set in HKLM/WindowsNTCurrentVersion/WinLogon
and yet it doesnt pick it up?

Already tried and still doesnt work. Does it have something to do with OEM
Version or preonstalls by Dell
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
I couldn't quite make out what your situation is.
(There is a difference between arrangine this *before* or *after* install.)
The key that is user is (like David said) RegisteredOwner in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
When programs do something with the user identification, they will normally
take that info from there, upon installation that is.
However, once installed, most of the time they have their own registry
entries to record that, so basically they just copy.
Most of the time, because I recall from earlier times that eg. Office
installation used to take that info and incorporate into a (coded)file on
Obviously the registry entries can be changed after the fact, but you will
have to go through them one-by-one.
The file-situation would (AFAIK) require uninstall en install sequence after
having changed RegisteredOwner.
Furthermore, I would think it conceivable (not garanteed) that the
application checks for changes in it's registrykeys and starts acting up if
you've changed them behind it's back.

What about Installer where is it's information stored as I think that is
what installs it?

Also does this have anythihng to do with a Factory load from Dell???

AFAIK, Installer does not have it's *own* information until *after* an
install; ie. installer takes whatever is already present in the system to
*brand* with and that would normally be what is recorded in RegisteredOwner,
*or* possibly what you provide during installation, if that option is
After that it would have it's information in the key already mentioned
SID's if present>\Products\Large ID#\InstallProperties

Dunno for sure, but for Factory load I would imagine the same reasoning
holds true, except that the information then would reflect something that
Dell chose at install time.


That's what I like about groups like this.
State something you think is the case and there's someone willing to educate
Thanks David.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info
Thank you that was it. Now was that so Hard
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info
What is MS ACME?????
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info

Norman Rosenthal said:
Thank you that was it. Now was that so Hard

just out of curiousity in light of your reaction, do you still expect an
answer from David on your next question????
just wondering TIC
The name of an older MS setup program, from Word 6 for instance. The first time you run an MS Acme it copies fronm Registered Owner to the DefOwner key.

Note Installer is using the same key. It's not MS Acme.

The top 55% of installs are done by these products

inf - Windows components
MS Acme - Older MS Applications
Windows Installer - Newer MS Applications
Wise - Third Party
InstallaShield - Third Party though MS supplies a lite version with their tools and sometimes uses it itself.

The remaining 45% of done by custom written install programs.
When I change rhe MS Acme I would assume that is what needed to be changed
as it was blank. Is that the correct assumpition?

The name of an older MS setup program, from Word 6 for instance. The first
time you run an MS Acme it copies fronm Registered Owner to the DefOwner

Note Installer is using the same key. It's not MS Acme.

The top 55% of installs are done by these products

inf - Windows components
MS Acme - Older MS Applications
Windows Installer - Newer MS Applications
Wise - Third Party
InstallaShield - Third Party though MS supplies a lite version with their
tools and sometimes uses it itself.

The remaining 45% of done by custom written install programs.