I want to set my dataset's datarelations based on the relationships
from a database. I've read about people doing this, and since the
dataset.readxmlschema() is just looking for a xmlreader, I provide that
with sqlcommand.executexmlreader(). I also tried casting it to
(xmltextreader) since that's what the method really returns, to no
avail. I'm hoping someone can tell me what's wrong. I had a query I
initially used:
select top 1 Brands.*, Models.*, ModelTypes.*, Types.*, Audio.*,
Video.*, IRCommands.*, IRTime.*, IRFreqRepeat.*, Groups.*, FileNames.*
from Brands (nolock) join Models (nolock) on (Brands.ID = Models.Brand)
join ModelTypes (nolock) on (Models.ID = ModelTypes.Model) join Types
(nolock) on (ModelTypes.Type = Types.ID)
join Audio (nolock) on (Models.Audio = Audio.ID) join Video (nolock) on
(Models.Video = Video.ID) join IRCommands (nolock) on (Models.ID =
IRCommands.Model) join IRTime (nolock) on (IRCommands.Time =
IRTime.Time) join IRFreqRepeat on (IRCommands.FreqRepeat =
join Groups (nolock) on (IRCommands.[Group] = Groups.ID) join FileNames
on (IRCommands.FileName = FileNames.ID)
for xml auto, xmldata
It returned the first four relationships correctly, but I read online
that it uses the order of the tables in the query, not the join
relationships. The relationships were plugged into the dataset, but
the 5th relationship was between Types and Audio, the 6th was between
Audio and Video, and so forth, which was incorrect. Okay, fine. So, I
switched to using 'for xml explicit, xmldata' but now the relationships
are gone. If I run the query in sql query analyzer, I see the schema
at the top of the xml that's returned, along with the data, but there
aren't any relationships in the schema, nor are there any in the
dataset. I'm wondering if I need to switch to using xml view with
annotated xdr or xsd schema? Here's the code I'm using (I've also
tried creating a SQLXML 3.0 SP 3 sqlxmlcommand, and using that, but the
datarelations are still missing):
SqlConnection _conn = new SqlConnection(connstr);
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(spGetIRCommandSchema, _conn);
// sql xml 3.0 SP 3 didn't return datarelations either, tried no root
tag and tried "root"
//SqlXmlCommand comm = new SqlXmlCommand(xmlConnStr);
//comm.RootTag = "root";
//comm.CommandType = SqlXmlCommandType.Sql;
//comm.CommandText = "exec dbo.spGetIRCommandSchema";
comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
XmlReader rdr;
// sql xml 3.0 SP 3 didn't return datarelations either, with both
//SqlXmlCommand comm = database.CreateSQLXMLCommand("root",
SqlXmlCommandType.Sql, "exec dbo.spGetIRCommandSchema");
SqlCommand comm = database.CreateCommand("spGetIRCommandSchema", null);
rdr = comm.ExecuteXmlReader();
// also tried ReadXmlSchema() followed by ReadXml() that I read was
required to get the data, but that made no difference either...
//rdr = (XmlTextReader)comm.ExecuteXmlReader();
//ds.ReadXml(rdr, XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);
Here's an excerpt of the new query using for xml explicit, xmldata:
select distinct 1 as Tag,
NULL as Parent,
Brands.ID as [Brands!1!ID!id],
Brands.[Name] as [Brands!1!Name],
Brands.Manufacturer as [Brands!1!Manufacturer],
Brands.WebSite as [Brands!1!WebSite],
Brands.Address1 as [Brands!1!Address1],
Brands.Address2 as [Brands!1!Address2],
Brands.City as [Brands!1!City],
Brands.State as [Brands!1!State],
Brands.PostalCode as [Brands!1!PostalCode],
Brands.Country as [Brands!1!Country],
NULL as [Models!2!ID],
NULL as [Models!2!Name],
NULL as [Models!2!Brand!idref],
NULL as [Models!2!Audio],
NULL as [Models!2!Video],
NULL as [Models!2!IsEditable],
NULL as [Audio!3!ID],
NULL as [Audio!3!Name],
NULL as [Video!4!ID],
NULL as [Video!4!Name],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Name],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Model],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Content],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Time],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!FreqRepeat],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Group],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!FileName],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!IsEditable],
NULL as [IRTime!6!ID],
NULL as [IRTime!6!Time],
NULL as [IRTime!6!OnTime],
NULL as [IRTime!6!OffTime],
NULL as [IRFreqRepeat!7!ID],
NULL as [IRFreqRepeat!7!CarrierNumber],
NULL as [IRFreqRepeat!7!RepeatPoint],
NULL as [Groups!8!ID],
NULL as [Groups!8!Name],
NULL as [FileNames!9!ID],
NULL as [FileNames!9!Name],
NULL as [ModelTypes!10!Model],
NULL as [ModelTypes!10!Type],
NULL as [Types!11!ID],
NULL as [Types!11!Name]
select distinct 2 as Tag,
1 as Parent,
from Brands join Models on (Brands.ID = Models.Brand) join Audio on
(Models.Audio = Audio.ID)
join Video on (Models.Video = Video.ID) join IRCommands on (Models.ID =
join IRTime on (IRCommands.Time = IRTime.Time) join IRFreqRepeat on
(IRCommands.FreqRepeat = IRFreqRepeat.ID)
join Groups on (IRCommands.[Group] = Groups.ID) join FileNames on
(IRCommands.FileName = FileNames.ID)
join ModelTypes on (Models.ID = ModelTypes.Model) join Types on
(ModelTypes.Type = Types.ID)
ORDER BY [Brands!1!ID!id], [Models!2!ID], [Audio!3!ID], [Video!4!ID],
[IRCommands!5!Model], [IRCommands!5!Name],
[IRCommands!5!Time], [IRTime!6!Time], [IRCommands!5!FreqRepeat],
[IRFreqRepeat!7!ID], [IRCommands!5!Group],
[Groups!8!ID], [IRCommands!5!FileName], [FileNames!9!ID],
[ModelTypes!10!Model], [ModelTypes!10!Type], [Types!11!ID]
Here's an excerpt of the schema the query produces (from query
<Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
<ElementType name="Brands" content="mixed" model="open">
<AttributeType name="ID" dt:type="id"/>
<AttributeType name="Name" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Manufacturer" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="WebSite" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Address1" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Address2" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="City" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="State" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="PostalCode" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Country" dt:type="string"/>
<attribute type="ID"/>
<attribute type="Name"/>
<attribute type="Manufacturer"/>
<attribute type="WebSite"/>
<attribute type="Address1"/>
<attribute type="Address2"/>
<attribute type="City"/>
<attribute type="State"/>
<attribute type="PostalCode"/>
<attribute type="Country"/>
<ElementType name="Models" content="mixed" model="open">
<AttributeType name="ID" dt:type="i4"/>
<AttributeType name="Name" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Brand" dt:type="idref"/>
<AttributeType name="Audio" dt:type="ui1"/>
<AttributeType name="Video" dt:type="ui1"/>
<AttributeType name="IsEditable" dt:type="boolean"/>
<attribute type="ID"/>
<attribute type="Name"/>
<attribute type="Brand"/>
<attribute type="Audio"/>
<attribute type="Video"/>
<attribute type="IsEditable"/>
and here's an excerpt of one part of the data:
<Brands xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" ID="1" Name="Elan">
<Models ID="2" Name="SomeModel" Brand="1" Audio="0" Video="0"
<Audio ID="0" Name="No"/>
<Video ID="0" Name="No"/>
<IRCommands Name="*, 0" Model="2" Content="00:00:01" Time="3"
FreqRepeat="4" Group="1" FileName="15" IsEditable="0">
<IRTime ID="1" Time="3" OnTime="115" OffTime="1123"/>
<IRTime ID="2" Time="3" OnTime="115" OffTime="1234"/>
<IRTime ID="3" Time="3" OnTime="115" OffTime="15234"/>
<IRFreqRepeat ID="4" CarrierNumber="46" RepeatPoint="0"/>
<Groups ID="1" Name="Normal"/>
<FileNames ID="15" Name="SomeModelFile.irf"/>
<ModelTypes Model="2" Type="4"/>
<Types ID="4" Name="System Controller"/>
<ModelTypes Model="2" Type="5"/>
<Types ID="5" Name="Controller"/>
<ModelTypes Model="2" Type="13"/>
<Types ID="13" Name="Video Controller"/>
Thanks in advance for any help,
I want to set my dataset's datarelations based on the relationships
from a database. I've read about people doing this, and since the
dataset.readxmlschema() is just looking for a xmlreader, I provide that
with sqlcommand.executexmlreader(). I also tried casting it to
(xmltextreader) since that's what the method really returns, to no
avail. I'm hoping someone can tell me what's wrong. I had a query I
initially used:
select top 1 Brands.*, Models.*, ModelTypes.*, Types.*, Audio.*,
Video.*, IRCommands.*, IRTime.*, IRFreqRepeat.*, Groups.*, FileNames.*
from Brands (nolock) join Models (nolock) on (Brands.ID = Models.Brand)
join ModelTypes (nolock) on (Models.ID = ModelTypes.Model) join Types
(nolock) on (ModelTypes.Type = Types.ID)
join Audio (nolock) on (Models.Audio = Audio.ID) join Video (nolock) on
(Models.Video = Video.ID) join IRCommands (nolock) on (Models.ID =
IRCommands.Model) join IRTime (nolock) on (IRCommands.Time =
IRTime.Time) join IRFreqRepeat on (IRCommands.FreqRepeat =
join Groups (nolock) on (IRCommands.[Group] = Groups.ID) join FileNames
on (IRCommands.FileName = FileNames.ID)
for xml auto, xmldata
It returned the first four relationships correctly, but I read online
that it uses the order of the tables in the query, not the join
relationships. The relationships were plugged into the dataset, but
the 5th relationship was between Types and Audio, the 6th was between
Audio and Video, and so forth, which was incorrect. Okay, fine. So, I
switched to using 'for xml explicit, xmldata' but now the relationships
are gone. If I run the query in sql query analyzer, I see the schema
at the top of the xml that's returned, along with the data, but there
aren't any relationships in the schema, nor are there any in the
dataset. I'm wondering if I need to switch to using xml view with
annotated xdr or xsd schema? Here's the code I'm using (I've also
tried creating a SQLXML 3.0 SP 3 sqlxmlcommand, and using that, but the
datarelations are still missing):
SqlConnection _conn = new SqlConnection(connstr);
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(spGetIRCommandSchema, _conn);
// sql xml 3.0 SP 3 didn't return datarelations either, tried no root
tag and tried "root"
//SqlXmlCommand comm = new SqlXmlCommand(xmlConnStr);
//comm.RootTag = "root";
//comm.CommandType = SqlXmlCommandType.Sql;
//comm.CommandText = "exec dbo.spGetIRCommandSchema";
comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
XmlReader rdr;
// sql xml 3.0 SP 3 didn't return datarelations either, with both
//SqlXmlCommand comm = database.CreateSQLXMLCommand("root",
SqlXmlCommandType.Sql, "exec dbo.spGetIRCommandSchema");
SqlCommand comm = database.CreateCommand("spGetIRCommandSchema", null);
rdr = comm.ExecuteXmlReader();
// also tried ReadXmlSchema() followed by ReadXml() that I read was
required to get the data, but that made no difference either...
//rdr = (XmlTextReader)comm.ExecuteXmlReader();
//ds.ReadXml(rdr, XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);
Here's an excerpt of the new query using for xml explicit, xmldata:
select distinct 1 as Tag,
NULL as Parent,
Brands.ID as [Brands!1!ID!id],
Brands.[Name] as [Brands!1!Name],
Brands.Manufacturer as [Brands!1!Manufacturer],
Brands.WebSite as [Brands!1!WebSite],
Brands.Address1 as [Brands!1!Address1],
Brands.Address2 as [Brands!1!Address2],
Brands.City as [Brands!1!City],
Brands.State as [Brands!1!State],
Brands.PostalCode as [Brands!1!PostalCode],
Brands.Country as [Brands!1!Country],
NULL as [Models!2!ID],
NULL as [Models!2!Name],
NULL as [Models!2!Brand!idref],
NULL as [Models!2!Audio],
NULL as [Models!2!Video],
NULL as [Models!2!IsEditable],
NULL as [Audio!3!ID],
NULL as [Audio!3!Name],
NULL as [Video!4!ID],
NULL as [Video!4!Name],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Name],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Model],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Content],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Time],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!FreqRepeat],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!Group],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!FileName],
NULL as [IRCommands!5!IsEditable],
NULL as [IRTime!6!ID],
NULL as [IRTime!6!Time],
NULL as [IRTime!6!OnTime],
NULL as [IRTime!6!OffTime],
NULL as [IRFreqRepeat!7!ID],
NULL as [IRFreqRepeat!7!CarrierNumber],
NULL as [IRFreqRepeat!7!RepeatPoint],
NULL as [Groups!8!ID],
NULL as [Groups!8!Name],
NULL as [FileNames!9!ID],
NULL as [FileNames!9!Name],
NULL as [ModelTypes!10!Model],
NULL as [ModelTypes!10!Type],
NULL as [Types!11!ID],
NULL as [Types!11!Name]
UNION ALLFrom Brands
select distinct 2 as Tag,
1 as Parent,
from Brands join Models on (Brands.ID = Models.Brand) join Audio on
(Models.Audio = Audio.ID)
join Video on (Models.Video = Video.ID) join IRCommands on (Models.ID =
join IRTime on (IRCommands.Time = IRTime.Time) join IRFreqRepeat on
(IRCommands.FreqRepeat = IRFreqRepeat.ID)
join Groups on (IRCommands.[Group] = Groups.ID) join FileNames on
(IRCommands.FileName = FileNames.ID)
join ModelTypes on (Models.ID = ModelTypes.Model) join Types on
(ModelTypes.Type = Types.ID)
ORDER BY [Brands!1!ID!id], [Models!2!ID], [Audio!3!ID], [Video!4!ID],
[IRCommands!5!Model], [IRCommands!5!Name],
[IRCommands!5!Time], [IRTime!6!Time], [IRCommands!5!FreqRepeat],
[IRFreqRepeat!7!ID], [IRCommands!5!Group],
[Groups!8!ID], [IRCommands!5!FileName], [FileNames!9!ID],
[ModelTypes!10!Model], [ModelTypes!10!Type], [Types!11!ID]
Here's an excerpt of the schema the query produces (from query
<Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
<ElementType name="Brands" content="mixed" model="open">
<AttributeType name="ID" dt:type="id"/>
<AttributeType name="Name" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Manufacturer" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="WebSite" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Address1" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Address2" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="City" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="State" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="PostalCode" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Country" dt:type="string"/>
<attribute type="ID"/>
<attribute type="Name"/>
<attribute type="Manufacturer"/>
<attribute type="WebSite"/>
<attribute type="Address1"/>
<attribute type="Address2"/>
<attribute type="City"/>
<attribute type="State"/>
<attribute type="PostalCode"/>
<attribute type="Country"/>
<ElementType name="Models" content="mixed" model="open">
<AttributeType name="ID" dt:type="i4"/>
<AttributeType name="Name" dt:type="string"/>
<AttributeType name="Brand" dt:type="idref"/>
<AttributeType name="Audio" dt:type="ui1"/>
<AttributeType name="Video" dt:type="ui1"/>
<AttributeType name="IsEditable" dt:type="boolean"/>
<attribute type="ID"/>
<attribute type="Name"/>
<attribute type="Brand"/>
<attribute type="Audio"/>
<attribute type="Video"/>
<attribute type="IsEditable"/>
and here's an excerpt of one part of the data:
<Brands xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" ID="1" Name="Elan">
<Models ID="2" Name="SomeModel" Brand="1" Audio="0" Video="0"
<Audio ID="0" Name="No"/>
<Video ID="0" Name="No"/>
<IRCommands Name="*, 0" Model="2" Content="00:00:01" Time="3"
FreqRepeat="4" Group="1" FileName="15" IsEditable="0">
<IRTime ID="1" Time="3" OnTime="115" OffTime="1123"/>
<IRTime ID="2" Time="3" OnTime="115" OffTime="1234"/>
<IRTime ID="3" Time="3" OnTime="115" OffTime="15234"/>
<IRFreqRepeat ID="4" CarrierNumber="46" RepeatPoint="0"/>
<Groups ID="1" Name="Normal"/>
<FileNames ID="15" Name="SomeModelFile.irf"/>
<ModelTypes Model="2" Type="4"/>
<Types ID="4" Name="System Controller"/>
<ModelTypes Model="2" Type="5"/>
<Types ID="5" Name="Controller"/>
<ModelTypes Model="2" Type="13"/>
<Types ID="13" Name="Video Controller"/>
Thanks in advance for any help,