How can CurDir be set by using a regualar Windows Open dialog box?
For file selection I'm using the File Open dialog code from:
http://www.mvps.org/access/api/api0001.htm, but this only allows selection of
I want a dialog box for the user to select a folder and use the result to
set CurDir.
After that I populate a listbox with:
Dim StuffToFind, FoundStuff As String
StuffToFind = CurDir & "\*.cls"
FoundStuff = Dir(StuffToFind)
Do While FoundStuff <> ""
List1.AddItem (FoundStuff)
FoundStuff = Dir
How can I set CurDir with a dialog box?
For file selection I'm using the File Open dialog code from:
http://www.mvps.org/access/api/api0001.htm, but this only allows selection of
I want a dialog box for the user to select a folder and use the result to
set CurDir.
After that I populate a listbox with:
Dim StuffToFind, FoundStuff As String
StuffToFind = CurDir & "\*.cls"
FoundStuff = Dir(StuffToFind)
Do While FoundStuff <> ""
List1.AddItem (FoundStuff)
FoundStuff = Dir
How can I set CurDir with a dialog box?