Setting Combo Box to next Friday on Form open

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve Lilley
  • Start date Start date

Steve Lilley


Does any one know an efficient way of calculating what the date of the next
Fridays is, or todays date if it happens to be a friday? I know if it's left
to me I'll write a huge "if" chain cheking for every day of the wek and
adding the number of days required to get to friday...:-( Can't be the best
way though I know.



Use a loop including the Weekday(datValue) function. This returns an
integer representing the day of the week 1=Sun, 2=Mon, ... 6 = Fri etc.

Function NextFriday() as Date
Dim i as long
i = 0
Do while Weekday(Date()+i)<>vbFriday ' 6
i = i + 1
NextFriday = Date()+i
End Function

Add this function to a code module
unction NextFriday(Optional ByVal StartDate As Date) As Date
'Function returns the next frday from a given date
'Eventhough StartDate is an optional argument, it always returns a value
' because it is a date. So, we cannot use the If IsMissing(StartDate)

' because it alwayshas a value

Dim intDay As Integer

'If no startdate is supplied, then use today's date
If StartDate = 0 Then
StartDate = Date
End If

'get today's day. Easier to workwith than calling the function repeatedly
intDay = DatePart("w", StartDate)

'If today is a friday then do return today's date
If intDay = vbFriday Then
NextFriday = StartDate

'if it is less than friday then add the difference
ElseIf intDay < vbFriday Then
NextFriday = DateAdd("d", vbFriday - intDay, StartDate)

Else 'it must be saturday, so add 7 days, minus the difference
NextFriday = DateAdd("d", 7 + vbFriday - intDay, StartDate)
End If

End Function