I thought I could set an unbound object in a form using VBA just by doing a
Me.<unbound field name>.RowSource = "<Select statement>". Apparently, that
doesn't ACTUALLY set the field, it only queries the table to give you the
list of data in the combo field. Once you do the query, how do you
actually set the unbound field with the data that was returned from the
Rowsource query? I would like to set the field programmatically without user
Me.<unbound field name>.RowSource = "<Select statement>". Apparently, that
doesn't ACTUALLY set the field, it only queries the table to give you the
list of data in the combo field. Once you do the query, how do you
actually set the unbound field with the data that was returned from the
Rowsource query? I would like to set the field programmatically without user