I want to configure the ACPI power options, either as a setting in TD
or via script in a new image. Getting the "Always On" setting was easy
enough, but setting the power and sleep button options to "Do nothing"
is not so easy.
Those options doen't appear in the ACPI components. I used inctrl5 to
find the registry values that setting those options in the Control
Panel Power Settings applet change, but when I use regedit to save
those values and import them later to see if they restore my desired
settings, they don't.
I've done searches on microsoft.com and the web in general and
newsgroups for some sort of scripting interface to the ACPI options,
but found nothing.
or via script in a new image. Getting the "Always On" setting was easy
enough, but setting the power and sleep button options to "Do nothing"
is not so easy.
Those options doen't appear in the ACPI components. I used inctrl5 to
find the registry values that setting those options in the Control
Panel Power Settings applet change, but when I use regedit to save
those values and import them later to see if they restore my desired
settings, they don't.
I've done searches on microsoft.com and the web in general and
newsgroups for some sort of scripting interface to the ACPI options,
but found nothing.