Setting a time server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tracey
  • Start date Start date


All of my servers and desktops keep changing time every week one minute
they are 2 minutes out and now they are 7 minutes out. How can I set one
server to pick up the time and all the others to read the time from that

I have been onto microsoft and got the document that tells you how to
configure an authoritive time server but to be honest it does not make that
much sense and did not work. I need it in plain english. :-)
All of my servers and desktops keep changing time every week one minute
they are 2 minutes out and now they are 7 minutes out. How can I set one
server to pick up the time and all the others to read the time from that

I have been onto microsoft and got the document that tells you how to
configure an authoritive time server but to be honest it does not make that
much sense and did not work. I need it in plain english. :-)
See tip 2669 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

If you have older OS clients, you can add the following to a logon script:

net time \\TimeServerComputerName /SET /YES

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.