Setting a default value in a form

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I'm trying to set a default value in a subform that is currently setting another rowsource afterupdate

Here's what I currently have

Private Sub txt_category_AfterUpdate(
Dim cat As Strin

cat = Me.txt_categor
txt_wbscode.Locked = Fals
Me.txt_wbscode = Nul
Me.txt_wbscode.RowSource = "Select wbs_cd,wbs_code, wbs_desc from luv_wbs where wbs_category = '" & cat & "';
End Su

I'm a little unsure of how to add another after update to the same control that will set the default to the next NEW record. I need to do this for the category and the wbs_code, then in a later query, I string the category and code back together for a report.

I hope this makes sense. It does in my head... :