Setting a Default Directory

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I'm new to Windows 2000 and can't seem to locate
instructions on setting a default data directory. I
typically, (and would like to) save my data files into the
same directory as the program I am working on by default.
However Windows preselects the "My Documents" directory
instead and forces me to then locate the directory I
want. Help would be greatly appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
Oh my - if I understood you right, that sounds like a really scary idea. You
don't want your Word documents in the Office program files folder. That's
very old school (Win 3x?) and is something that I always found dreadful in
pre-Win98 versions of Windows...and in badly written applications now that
don't respect the default document store folder.

You really need a dedicated data folder - a single place to store all your
files, a single folder to back up, etc.... what you're proposing means you
will have files saved hodgepodge all over your hard drive, and if your hard
drive or OS goes belly up, how are you going to get them back?

I wouldn't even use the default 'my documents' folder as the default,
because if your Windows 2000 profile gets hosed, as they occasionally do,
it's nice to know that C:\LARRY\ has all your important files. You then
stand a chance of getting access to it.

If I've misunderstood your question, please correct me.

Thank you for your reply and yes you pegged me as an
antique in regards to new operating system protocol. Your
recommendation is absolutely sound and this old dog will
willingly adapt the new trick. How do I go about setting
it up?
First, bark twice and you can have this lovely biscuit! <g>

OK - it actually does a lot of this by default for you, but the default My
Documents folder is buried in your c:\documents and settings\username\
folder, which as I've said, I dislike. I'd go to Windows Explorer, find the
C drive, create a folder called Larry or Data or something that will be
really obvious to you later. Then on the desktop, right-click on the My
Documents 'shortcut', go to properties, move. You can specify c:\larry or
c:\data or whatever you chose, click Move, and it will move the items for
you. I'd also rename the My Documents shortcut to something like Larry's
Files or something relevant.

Hope this helps!
-----Original Message-----
First, bark twice and you can have this lovely biscuit!
OK - it actually does a lot of this by default for you, but the default My
Documents folder is buried in your c:\documents and settings\username\
folder, which as I've said, I dislike. I'd go to Windows Explorer, find the
C drive, create a folder called Larry or Data or something that will be
really obvious to you later. Then on the desktop, right- click on the My
Documents 'shortcut', go to properties, move. You can specify c:\larry or
c:\data or whatever you chose, click Move, and it will move the items for
you. I'd also rename the My Documents shortcut to something like Larry's
Files or something relevant.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and
provide advise. It is very much appreciated. Larry