SetOverlayImage in windows forms ListView

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Ludig
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Robert Ludig

How do I set overlay images for ListViewItems in a Windows Forms
ListView? I want to overlay an additional Icon on top of the
ListViewItem's icon. Since I can do this in MFC/Win32 I suppose this
API is somehow exposed in WindowsForms too ? Or do I have to use P/
Invoke myself? If so, is there an (c#, VB.NET) example around
somewhere that shows me how to do it ?
How do I set overlay images for ListViewItems in a Windows Forms
ListView? I want to overlay an additional Icon on top of the
ListViewItem's icon. Since I can do this in MFC/Win32 I suppose this
API is somehow exposed in WindowsForms too ? Or do I have to use P/
Invoke myself? If so, is there an (c#, VB.NET) example around
somewhere that shows me how to do it ?

I tried the followinng simple code. Do you see any mistakes (because
sendmessage returns 1, but nothing happens - no overlay image is
set) ?:

struct LVITEM
public uint mask;
public int iItem;
public int iSubItem;
public uint state;
public uint stateMask;
public string pszText;
public int cchTextMax;
public int iImage;
public int lParam;
public int iIndent;
public int iGroupId;
public uint cColumns;
public uint puColumns;

public partial class Form1 : Form
public extern static bool ImageList_SetOverlayImage(int himl,
int iImage, int iOverlay);

public static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, uint Msg, int
wParam, int lParam);

public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
listView1.Items.Add("aa", 0);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LVITEM item = new LVITEM();
item.stateMask = 0x0F00; /*LVIS_OVERLAYMASK*/
item.state = 1 << 8 /*INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(1)*/;

ImageList_SetOverlayImage(imageList1.Handle.ToInt32(), 1,
int x = SendMessage(this.listView1.Handle.ToInt32(),
0x1000 + 43/*LVM_SETITEMSTATE*/, -1/*all items*/,
