Use Configration Node:
Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Display\Desktop Themes\Load a
specific visual style file or force Windows Classic
(This setting allows you to load a specific visual style file by entering
the path (location) of the visual style file. This can be a local computer
visual style (Luna.msstyles), or a file located on a remote server using a
UNC path (\\Server\Share\luna.msstyles). If you enable this setting, the
visual style file that you specify will be used. Also, a user may not choose
to use a different visual style. If you disable or do not configure this
setting, the users can select the visual style that they want to use for
their desktop. Note: If this setting is enabled and the file is not
available at user logon, the default visual style is loaded. Note: When
running Windows XP, you can select the Luna visual style by typing
%windir%\resources\Themes\Luna\Luna.msstyles Note: To select the Windows
Classic visual style, leave the box blank beside Path to Visual Style: and
enable this setting.)
Use Configration Node:
Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Force classic Control Panel Style
(This setting affects the visual style and presentation of the Control
Panel. It allows you to disable the new style of Control Panel, which is
task-based, and use the Windows 2000 style, referred to as the classic
Control Panel. The new Control Panel, referred to as the simple Control
Panel, simplifies how users interact with settings by providing
easy-to-understand tasks that help users get their work done quickly. The
Control Panel allows the users to configure their computer, add or remove
programs, and change settings. If you enable this setting, Control Panel
sets the classic Control Panel. The user cannot switch to the new simple
style. If you disable this setting, Control Panel is set to the task-based
style. The user cannot switch to the classic Control Panel style. If you do
not configure it, the default is the task-based style, which the user can
Use Configration Node:
Administrative Templates\Start Menu and Taskbar\Force classic Start Menu
(This setting effects the presentation of the Start menu. The classic Start
menu in Windows 2000 Professional allows users to begin common tasks, while
the new Start menu consolidates common items onto one menu. When the classic
Start menu is used, the following icons are placed on the desktop: My
Documents, My Pictures, My Music, My Computer, and My Network Places. The
new Start menu starts them directly. If you enable this setting, the Start
menu displays the classic Start menu in the Windows 2000 style and displays
the standard desktop icons. If you disable this setting, the Start menu
only displays in the new style, meaning the desktop icons are now on the
Start page. If you do not configure this setting, the default is the new
style, and the user can change the view.)
Christoffer Andersson
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If the information was help full, you can let me know at:
rlim said:
We currently have half and half Window 2k Pro and XP Pro workstations with
soon to be PDC running Server2003 Standard. We would like to have all the XP
Pro workstations to run only in Window Classic Theme; I've search through
both user and computer group policy and cannot find any. I would appreciate
any suggestions or answers regarding this issue.