Hi Everyon
Is it possible to set a label property to visible if a condition is met from a record in another table
The Form/Table is called FollowUp it has an invisible label that you can see in a design mode called CallBac
When a Check Box is ticked, the form/table is called Review, I want the label to be visible. I a
trying to use the expression builder to see how it should happen then copy the code into the on update propert
of my form but I am not having any success. Can anybody help
Is it possible to set a label property to visible if a condition is met from a record in another table
The Form/Table is called FollowUp it has an invisible label that you can see in a design mode called CallBac
When a Check Box is ticked, the form/table is called Review, I want the label to be visible. I a
trying to use the expression builder to see how it should happen then copy the code into the on update propert
of my form but I am not having any success. Can anybody help