Set Value

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zonk6719
  • Start date Start date


I have a Form called "Form1" that is created from "Table1" this form contains
project information it also has a UnqiueID (ISSUEID) that is an auto number.

I also have a form called "Form2" which is created from "Table2" this form
will contain more detailed information about the project, this table also has
a UniqueID as well as another field called (ISSUEID).

Here is what I need help with. I have a certain field on "Form1" which when
I double click on it will open "Form2". Where I am running into an issue is
keeping this Detail from "Form2" tied to "Form1". So what I was thinking I
was needing to do is populate "Form2.ISSUEID" with the value from
But I am not sure how to do this.

Thank you for any help!!!
Open Table1 in design view, click on the field ISSUEID and then on the key
icon to make the field the primary key. Save.
Open Table3 in design view, click on ISSUEID and set the datatype to Number
- Long Integer. Save.
Click on menu TOOLS - Releationships. Click on Show Tables icon and double
click Table1 and Table2 to add them to the Relationships window. Click on
Table1 ISSUEID field and drag to Table2 ISSUEID field. Select Enforce
Referential Integerity and Cascade Update Related Fields. Save.
NOTE - If there is a problem in saving then run an unmatch query to
find records in Table2 with ISSUEID not in Table1. Correct. Return to
Relationships and finish.

Use a form and subform linked Master/Child on ISSUEID.

As you add records to the subform it will add in the ISSUEID automatically.
It is not even necessary to display it in the subform.