I'm running a macro that sets the value of a text box in one form based
off another form and it's relaying the wrong info. When I type in the
value manually it works ok but doing it by macro returns 12/30/1899 or
00:03:35 for some reason
This is the code using in the set value dialog area
item Forms![frmPMprocLO]![Text29]
expression =[Forms]![frmPMByNum]![Dayup]
Also, how do you stop from going to a blank record using the goto
record function?
off another form and it's relaying the wrong info. When I type in the
value manually it works ok but doing it by macro returns 12/30/1899 or
00:03:35 for some reason
This is the code using in the set value dialog area
item Forms![frmPMprocLO]![Text29]
expression =[Forms]![frmPMByNum]![Dayup]
Also, how do you stop from going to a blank record using the goto
record function?