Hello together
I have the problem, if I created an user in the AD and I like to rename it,
I can change any properties of the user but in the AD-List there are no
changes. If I like to rename that, I have to right-click on the user an
select "rename". After that, an new window appears with the properties Full
name, First name, Last name, Display name and the user logon names. If I
change the value at "Full name", the name has changed in the overview list in
the AD.
So, my problem is now, to do exactly this with LDAP. Here the code:
1 Private Sub AddADPerson_Do()
3 Dim de As New DirectoryEntry(mstrLoginADSConnectionString,
mstrLoginUserID, mstrLoginKennwort)
4 Dim ou As DirectoryEntry = de.Children.Find("CN=Users")
5 Dim dirNewUser As DirectoryEntry = ou.Children.Add("CN=" &
mstrUserID, "User")
8 If Len(strsamaccountname) > 0 Then
9 Call ADSUserSearchRead()
10 End If
12 If bolSearchResultExist = False Then
13 If Len(strsamaccountname) > 0 Then
14 dirNewUser.Properties("sAMAccountname").Value = strsamaccountname
15 dirNewUser.Properties("userPrincipalName").Value =
strsamaccountname & "@" & strDomain & "." & strTopLevelDomain
16 End If
17 If Len(strsn) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("sn").Value = strsn
18 If Len(strgivenname) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("givenName").Value = strgivenname
19 If Len(strc) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("c").Value = strc
20 If Len(strcompany) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("Company").Value = strcompany
21 If Len(strl) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("l").Value = strl
22 If Len(strpostalcode) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("postalCode").Value = strpostalcode
23 If Len(strpostalcode) = 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("postalCode").Value = " "
24 If Len(strstreetaddress) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("streetAddress").Value = strstreetaddress
25 If Len(strmobile) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("mobile").Value
= strmobile
26 If Len(strmobile) = 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("mobile").Value
= " "
27 If Len(strtelephonenumber) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("telephonenumber").Value = strtelephonenumber
28 If Len(strtelephonenumber) = 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("telephonenumber").Value = " "
29 If Len(strhomephone) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("homePhone").Value = strhomephone
30 If Len(strhomephone) = 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("homePhone").Value = " "
31 If Len(strgivenname) > 0 And Len(strsn) > 0 Then
32 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = strgivenname & " "
& strsn
33 ElseIf Len(strgivenname) > 0 And Len(strsn) = 0 Then
34 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = strgivenname
35 ElseIf Len(strgivenname) = 0 And Len(strsn) > 0 Then
36 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = strsn
37 Else
38 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = ""
39 End If
41 If Len(strgivenname) > 0 And Len(strsn) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("cn").Value = strgivenname & " " & strsn
43 dirNewUser.CommitChanges()
45 End If
47 End Sub
OIn line 41 I try to change it, but if I do that, the Error "An invalid dn
syntax has been specified. " appears.
Do you know what is wrong?
Thanks, Flubber
I have the problem, if I created an user in the AD and I like to rename it,
I can change any properties of the user but in the AD-List there are no
changes. If I like to rename that, I have to right-click on the user an
select "rename". After that, an new window appears with the properties Full
name, First name, Last name, Display name and the user logon names. If I
change the value at "Full name", the name has changed in the overview list in
the AD.
So, my problem is now, to do exactly this with LDAP. Here the code:
1 Private Sub AddADPerson_Do()
3 Dim de As New DirectoryEntry(mstrLoginADSConnectionString,
mstrLoginUserID, mstrLoginKennwort)
4 Dim ou As DirectoryEntry = de.Children.Find("CN=Users")
5 Dim dirNewUser As DirectoryEntry = ou.Children.Add("CN=" &
mstrUserID, "User")
8 If Len(strsamaccountname) > 0 Then
9 Call ADSUserSearchRead()
10 End If
12 If bolSearchResultExist = False Then
13 If Len(strsamaccountname) > 0 Then
14 dirNewUser.Properties("sAMAccountname").Value = strsamaccountname
15 dirNewUser.Properties("userPrincipalName").Value =
strsamaccountname & "@" & strDomain & "." & strTopLevelDomain
16 End If
17 If Len(strsn) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("sn").Value = strsn
18 If Len(strgivenname) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("givenName").Value = strgivenname
19 If Len(strc) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("c").Value = strc
20 If Len(strcompany) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("Company").Value = strcompany
21 If Len(strl) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("l").Value = strl
22 If Len(strpostalcode) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("postalCode").Value = strpostalcode
23 If Len(strpostalcode) = 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("postalCode").Value = " "
24 If Len(strstreetaddress) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("streetAddress").Value = strstreetaddress
25 If Len(strmobile) > 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("mobile").Value
= strmobile
26 If Len(strmobile) = 0 Then dirNewUser.Properties("mobile").Value
= " "
27 If Len(strtelephonenumber) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("telephonenumber").Value = strtelephonenumber
28 If Len(strtelephonenumber) = 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("telephonenumber").Value = " "
29 If Len(strhomephone) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("homePhone").Value = strhomephone
30 If Len(strhomephone) = 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("homePhone").Value = " "
31 If Len(strgivenname) > 0 And Len(strsn) > 0 Then
32 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = strgivenname & " "
& strsn
33 ElseIf Len(strgivenname) > 0 And Len(strsn) = 0 Then
34 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = strgivenname
35 ElseIf Len(strgivenname) = 0 And Len(strsn) > 0 Then
36 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = strsn
37 Else
38 dirNewUser.Properties("displayName").Value = ""
39 End If
41 If Len(strgivenname) > 0 And Len(strsn) > 0 Then
dirNewUser.Properties("cn").Value = strgivenname & " " & strsn
43 dirNewUser.CommitChanges()
45 End If
47 End Sub
OIn line 41 I try to change it, but if I do that, the Error "An invalid dn
syntax has been specified. " appears.
Do you know what is wrong?
Thanks, Flubber