Set up shared bililng spread sheet



I work in an office and have been given the task of setting up a shared,
daily, billing worksheet on our network. We have 10 employees that have
their own clients but can sometimes share clients. We have to account for
any time spent with each client. We would like to share and be able to see
each others time so we don't have two employees to accidently bill the same
client for the same day. I would like this spread sheet to be able to
subtotal as we go and then give a summary report at the end of the month and
end of our fiscal year. This report must fit into our existing report
format. We also need to be able to add clients as needed. Each employee
would need to know at any given time how many hours they have billed clients
for the week. We have Excel 2007. please ask me any questions you have. It
is difficult to explain. I am a barely above beginning user.


Don't try to build it would be my advice, this is not a trivial application
even for an expert developer. Try doing a Google using "client billing
software" there is a whole bunch of products already available.


This is a database application! It could easily be dome in Access. Summary
reports at the end of the month and end of fiscal year could easily be dome
in Access. If the reports must fit into an existing report format in Excel.
Access seamlessly integrates with Excel and could export the summary data
into Excel Reports.

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