Set up my table

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It's nice to be back here!!

I am planning to make a database for Engineering Documentation
I have the following fields

Document No Client No Description
12345 0789 Civil Works - Bldg Foundation
67890 0891 Civil Works - Steel Structure

Now each document may sometimes consist of more than one revision
I want that in my Form to have a two subform one is to view the list of
the second one would be the list of revisions of a selected documents. How
can I set up my table? Do I need to create another table let say
(tblRevision) for the list of revision?

thanks anyway..Happy New Year

It's nice to be back here!!

I am planning to make a database for Engineering Documentation
I have the following fields

Document No      Client No         Description
12345                0789               Civil Works - Bldg Foundation
67890                0891               Civil Works - Steel Structure

Now each document may sometimes consist of more than one revision
I want that in my Form to have a two subform one is to view the list of
the second one would be the list of revisions of a selected documents. How
can I set up my table? Do I need to create another table let say
(tblRevision) for the list of revision?

thanks anyway..Happy New Year

I think for sure you have to create that table for revisions. There
can be 2 or more revisions for each document, so.........

I don't understand why you think you need 2 subforms. What is on the
mainfrom? Maybe you can create a mainform (with document data) and one
subform (revisions).

Maybe you also could consider to split the discription field. It seems
to contain two sort of data.


Thanks for you XPS350, I appreciate your time,
I try to make two subform one for the Document List the second one if for
the revision list. so that as user select a data from the Document List then
the second subform will display all the related revision...

thanks again
A couple observations...

Will one of your "documents" ever get used by more than one "client"? If
so, you'll need a table for documents, a table for clients and a table for

Also, when you describe revisions, it sounds like you are saying you have a
one-to-many relationship. You'd have a "parent" document (or purpose or
whatever), then one or more "child" revisions. That would take a table for
those revisions.

I'd hold off working on the forms until you get the table structure nailed



Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
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You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer
Thank You Jeff Boyce, it sounds now working...

Jeff Boyce said:
A couple observations...

Will one of your "documents" ever get used by more than one "client"? If
so, you'll need a table for documents, a table for clients and a table for

Also, when you describe revisions, it sounds like you are saying you have a
one-to-many relationship. You'd have a "parent" document (or purpose or
whatever), then one or more "child" revisions. That would take a table for
those revisions.

I'd hold off working on the forms until you get the table structure nailed



Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned in
this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein does
not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

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