falcon1 said:
I set my text as Arial Rounded MT Bold. It looks great on my computer. When
I look at it on other computers it shows up as Times New Roman. Any
suggestions on how to keep the text looking the way that I set it.
I agree with everything others have said, but when I read your note, I
thought of another possible cause for your problem.
If you set the text font by using the "default font" feature, all that
does is change the font as it's displayed on YOUR computer while in
Front Page. That's one "feature" I hope MS removes in the next
generation of website development programs, as it really is confusing to
most users. About the only use I can think for it is to assign some
really weird font as the default, so everything looks weird on your
screen. Then it's easy to see where explicit font assignments have been
made, and where they haven't.
To assign a font, so OTHERS will see it, you must explicitly assign a
font available on their computers, as others have described, in the HTML
using either CSS or the <font> tag.