set slide transition speed

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I would like to set up a powerpoint presentation to play to music. The music
I have chosen moves quite quickly. Because of this I need to set the slide
transition speed to faster than 1 second to customize it for the music. Does
anybody know if this is possible? Thank you for your help in advance!!
This is doable, but I'm guessing that you want a good and consistent quality
result. PowerPoint is simply the wrong tool for building "Music Video"-like
presentations. Instead, consider using Windows Movie Maker (already on most
XP systems), Flash, or one of the other video editing software packages.

PowerPoint does not communicate well with the sound rendering side of the
system; it just hands off the file and says, "play this". The system's
music rendering software gets fairly high priority (higher even than
PowerPoint), since poor rendering of sound is very noticeable to even a
novice listener. As a result, the sync may start off OK but gradually
change (either too early or too late - depending on the system and some
other variables), as PowerPoint becomes bogged down with image

In video, the sound and images are linked together and ,more importantly,
rendered together. Use the right tool for the job and the job will be much

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.
Thank you, I didn't even know this program was on my computer. I took a
quick look at it and it looks like it just might do the trick. Thanks again!!