Set Maximum Pool Size in web.config

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bei
  • Start date Start date


I would like to allow more connection to SQL servers from the web

Do you know what is the code to set maximum pool size in web.config file?

A sample connection string for SQL Server:
"Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=;Max Pool Size=75;Min Pool Size=5;"

(e-mail address removed)
You can set that in SQL Connection String...e.g

"Server=(local); ..........; Database=Northwind; Max Pool Size=45; Min Pool Size=10

When a connection is opened and a pool is created, multiple connections are added to the pool to bring the connection count to the configured minimum level. Connections can be subsequently added to the pool up to the configured maximum pool count. When the maximum count is reached, new requests to open a connection are queued for a configurable duration.

Avneesh Kuma
(e-mail address removed)