Ok i have some of it working but not all, here's what Ive been doing:
For toubleshooting i've created a test appointment:
Subject = Test Appt.
Location = my pc
I set it to recur on monday and tuesday and stop after 2 recurrences.
In the second recurrence I've added "exception" to the subject line, without
quotes, after "Test Appt."
My goal is to be able to automatically change the label for the "exception"
appointment only using automatic formatting or a script or something.
Automatic formatting:
In calandar work week view, select automatic formating from context menu |
select desired label (ie "Important") | click Condition | advanced tab |
here are some of my attempted criteria and results after clicking ok in all
of the dialogue boxes:
Subject contains exception - no change
Subject contains Test Appt. - all changed
both criteria above - all changed
Subject contains Test - all changed
I think I'm having trouble with the way exceptions to recurring appointments
are handled in the search process. When I set the automatic formatting rule
it will recognise text from the origional entry, but exceptions are
overlooked. Any suggestions?
Thank you,