Hi. I have a group header that is a Rep and another group
header this is a RepSub as shown below.
Territory Rep RepSub
Atlantic Joe Brian
Atlantic Joe Jon
Atlantic Joe Sheila
Central Rich N/A
Northern Wendy N/A
I'm trying to make my group header programatically
collapse to a height of zero when the RepSub value
is "N/A" and not collapse when there is any other value
for RepSub. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!!
header this is a RepSub as shown below.
Territory Rep RepSub
Atlantic Joe Brian
Atlantic Joe Jon
Atlantic Joe Sheila
Central Rich N/A
Northern Wendy N/A
I'm trying to make my group header programatically
collapse to a height of zero when the RepSub value
is "N/A" and not collapse when there is any other value
for RepSub. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!!