I have a find button. it is coded as such
Private Sub Search_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Search_Click
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 10, , acMenuVer70
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Search_Click
End Sub
For some reason everytime I select the find button instead of focusing the
search on the [TrackingNum] field its focus is on the form. I am not sure why
it is doing this. It is doing the same thing on other forms as well and they
are all coded the same way. Any ideas on what the problem may be?
Private Sub Search_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Search_Click
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 10, , acMenuVer70
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Search_Click
End Sub
For some reason everytime I select the find button instead of focusing the
search on the [TrackingNum] field its focus is on the form. I am not sure why
it is doing this. It is doing the same thing on other forms as well and they
are all coded the same way. Any ideas on what the problem may be?