Set focus and cursor at end of text?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Olav Tollefsen
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Olav Tollefsen

I use this code to set focus to a textbox when I load a page:

private void SetFocus(System.Web.UI.Control ctrl)
string s = "<SCRIPT language=\"javascript\">document.getElementById('" +
ctrl.ID + "').focus()</SCRIPT>";

RegisterStartupScript("focus", s);

I would also like the cursor to be positioned at the end of the text field.
Using only the above code, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the
textbox even if there are some text present in the field.

How can I position the cusrsor at the end of the text?


Here we go:

Create a new function in your <head> tag in the HTML section:

function SetEnd (TB)
if (TB.createTextRange)
var FieldRange = TB.createTextRange();
FieldRange.moveStart('character', TB.value.length);

Create a new onfocus JavaScript event in your asp text box tag (asp:textBox)
that calls the SetEnd function above:

<asp:textbox id="TextBox1" runat="server" Width="65px"
onfocus="SetEnd(this)">Existing text</asp:textbox>

Make sure you keep your existing code that calls the SetFocus function as it

private void SetFocus(System.Web.UI.Control ctrl)
string s = "<SCRIPT language=\"javascript\">document.getElementById('" +
ctrl.ID + "').focus()</SCRIPT>";

RegisterStartupScript("focus", s);

Don't forget to call the above SetFocus() function in your Body tag on page
load .....( <body onload="SetFocus()"> )

Good luck!


Mohammad Samara.

ICS (London) Ltd.