You can handle client side onfocus event to set a hidden text control to
id of the element that got focus. On server side, you can set focus based
the passed id as opposed to the session variable.
Eliyahu Goldin,
Software Developer
Microsoft MVP
On Apr 16, 8:45 am, "Eliyahu Goldin"
I wish I would have posted my question yesterday...I spent hours
the web for an answer.
This is the only way of getting experience known to me.
Eliyahu Goldin,
Software Developer
Microsoft MVP
On Apr 16, 8:12 am, "Eliyahu Goldin"
Use ScriptManager.SetFocus (myControl).
Eliyahu Goldin,
Software Developer
Microsoft MVP
I have several text boxes and drop-down lists in an AJAX Update
Panel. All user inputs have the Postback property set to True.
I type something in the first input entry and press the "Tab" key
can I set the focus to the next box after the postback? Please
Using Visual Studio 2005 Pro, 2.0,, WinXP
THANK YOU! I wish I would have posted my question yesterday...I
hours sifting the web for an answer. I had Page.SetFocus(MyControl)
instead of ScriptManager.SetFocus (myControl).
Code Snippet:
Protected Sub txtCustomer_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtCustomer.TextChanged
'customer text box (1st text box on screen)
If rfvCustomer.IsValid = True Then
Session("ProjName") = txtCustomer.Text
Session("ProjName") = Nothing
End If
Session("QRNextControl") = "2"
End Sub
Protected Sub SetNextQRControl()
Select Case Session("QRNextControl")
Case "2"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(txtProjAddr1) 'address 1 text
Case "3"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(txtProjAddr2) 'address 2 text
Case "4"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(txtProjCity) 'city text box
Case "5"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(ddlStAbrv) 'state text box
Case "6"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(txtZip) 'zip text box
Case "7"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(txtCusContact) 'customer
Contact text box
Case "8"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(txtCusPhone) 'customer Phone
text box
Case "9"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(txtProjName) 'project Name
text box
Case "10"
ScriptManager1.SetFocus(rblPriceAdj) 'price
Adjustment text box
End Select
Session("QRNextControl") = ""
End Sub
It works great. One small glitch though.
Lets say there are 3 text boxes. If you type some data in the 1st
text box and then instead of pressing the tab key you click your mouse
in the 3rd text box, after the postback the cursor is sitting in the
2nd text box. Not the 3rd one.