I need to create a macro that will change the display control on existing
Yes/No fields from Text to Check box. The person who originally created the
database didn't know that that when you created tables from queries, the
properties were not copied over. As such, I have to update over a hundred
tables and it will have to be repeated every time the tables are created. I
would prefer creating a macro than having to update the tables every time
they are created.
Unfortunately, I don't know VB yet so I am trying to create a macro without
using VB. Here is what I have done.
Action - Open Table
Table - City
View - Design
Mode Edit
Action - Run Code
Table![City]![Complete].CreateProperty("DisplayControl", dbInteger, 106)
Action - Close Table
Table - City
Everytime I run it, I get an error message saying that it cannot locate my
object. I am beginning to wonder if I can only use the command on forms or
Yes/No fields from Text to Check box. The person who originally created the
database didn't know that that when you created tables from queries, the
properties were not copied over. As such, I have to update over a hundred
tables and it will have to be repeated every time the tables are created. I
would prefer creating a macro than having to update the tables every time
they are created.
Unfortunately, I don't know VB yet so I am trying to create a macro without
using VB. Here is what I have done.
Action - Open Table
Table - City
View - Design
Mode Edit
Action - Run Code
Table![City]![Complete].CreateProperty("DisplayControl", dbInteger, 106)
Action - Close Table
Table - City
Everytime I run it, I get an error message saying that it cannot locate my
object. I am beginning to wonder if I can only use the command on forms or