Set defualt date as Week Day before Today.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phillip Vong
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Phillip Vong

VB.Net and a simple page.

I have this simple code that puts Today's date in these 2 textboxes. Can
some one tell me how to set these two boxes with yesterday's date excluding



Dim dtmToday As String

dtmToday = Now.Date.ToString("MM/d/yyy")

TextBox1.Text = dtmToday

TextBox2.Text = dtmToday
Thanks, but that didn't work. Your code just took the date back 7 days
INCLUDING WEEKENDS. If the textbox is 12/11/06, it is now 12/4/06. If I
change the code to -1, it will go back one day but it does not disregard the
weekends. How do you disregard the weekends?
Thanks, but that didn't work. Your code just took the date back 7 days
INCLUDING WEEKENDS. If the textbox is 12/11/06, it is now 12/4/06. If I
change the code to -1, it will go back one day but it does not disregard the
weekends. How do you disregard the weekends?

Hey Philip,

Try this out. Its not pretty but it works

sub Main
' This should return monday the 11th
Console.WriteLine( _
GetLastBusinessDay(new DateTime(2006,12,12),1))
'This should return friday the 8th
Console.WriteLine( _
GetLastBusinessDay(new DateTime(2006,12,12),2))
end sub

function GetLastBusinessDay (theDate as DateTime, daysAgo as Integer) as
' Some local variables
dim counter as integer
dim temp as DateTime =theDate
' Put in a loop
while true
' Do some error checking
if theDate=DateTime.MinValue
return DateTime.MinValue
end if

' Decrement the day
temp= temp.AddDays(-1)
' Check if it is a weekday
select case temp.DayOfWeek
case DayOfWeek.Monday to DayOfWeek.Friday
' It is! Increment the counter
end select
' Now check if the counter is equal to
' the days we want
if counter=daysago then
return temp
end if

end while
end function