Is it possible to set defaults during a Word Merge so
Access doesn't stop to ask if I want to link to an
exisitng document or create a new one? I will always use
the same doc for this merge.
Additionally, once I select my document the merge stops
again to say that the data source has change from the
source I selected when I started the MailMerge Wizard, S
to continue. Is there a way to eliminate this message as
I just want my users to run the query, select Mail Merge
& see their document.
Thanks for your help.
Access doesn't stop to ask if I want to link to an
exisitng document or create a new one? I will always use
the same doc for this merge.
Additionally, once I select my document the merge stops
again to say that the data source has change from the
source I selected when I started the MailMerge Wizard, S
to continue. Is there a way to eliminate this message as
I just want my users to run the query, select Mail Merge
& see their document.
Thanks for your help.