Set color of text field on continuous form in Access 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter takilroy
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I would like to have the following functionality in an application:
Set the color of a field on a continuous form based on a field called
'aColor' that contains the color number to assign to that record in
Access 2003.
Does anyone have a way to do this?

Thanks for your time.
In all cases, however, it is by field by form on a one by one basis.

If it is a single or continuous form then you can set that in the
formating tab of that form.
If it is a datasheet view then you will have to use the conditional
It could be any number of colors. The user will choose certain
records, on the continuous form, and assign a color to them. I would
like those records then to be highlighted (or some field on the
continuous form colored) with the color the user has chosen. So, I
may say Record A, C and E will be red (using a dialog that shows the
system colors) and B and D will be blue and J, K, L wil be pink and M,
N and O will be green, etc...
1) you will therefore require an extra field for each record to hold a
long integer to represent the color, default to whatever # is for black
(or whatever color you want)
2) In the oncurrent event of the form move the saved number to the
forecolor and backcolor for that control field(s) which is shown on
the form.
a interesting benefit of this method is that they could sort by
that field and therefore group "by Color".

3) the tricky part is how to allow them to change that. On a dbl-click
you could go to a popup that will handle saving that number. Some
thought will be required in how to do that. It would be wise to limit
the number of choices maybe via a check box with example colors (with
explanation of what the colors mean) and a select case to get that
number into the field. Essentially any number CAN be used BUT
differrentiation between colors may be minimal and appear different on
different monitors, so a limited range of numbers might be advisable.
On that popup there could be a sample and depending on combinations of
checked boxes make the number additive. But then it may be difficult
and frustrating to try to figure out how to match an existing color.
Definitly a limited set of predefined numbers would be a lot wiser.
because matching colors would be a bear or task for the user (what
about color blind person?) Possibly two fields One the number and the
second the description loaded and shown in the same manner for those
that are color-challanged.

This will only work on single form and continuous form. I have not
found a mechanism for changing colors on datasheet form except through
conditional formating and that only allows 3 conditions.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Thanks Ron,

I have gone down the road that you have suggested and it works great!!
