Creating Outlook appointment said:
The article you quoted sets up the appointment in your own calendar. What if
you want to set up the appointment in another person's calendar. What
additional coding do you need to make this work. Do you need to specify
another variable such as the RequiredAttendee to capture this other person's
calendar ?
I’m having a similar issue to SusanFrobel. I’m going to try to reprogram
what I have below with the code from the article quoted. In the mean time,
maybe you can help with the other issues. Be aware I typed this before I
found the question from SusanFrobel so it might sound a little disjointed.
I’m relatively speaking a coding newbie. You guys helped me out before.
One of my supervisors came to me and said:
"[paraphrased of course] I want a log. It’s going to have the name of the
place we send the mail to, the date we send it. 30 days after the day we
send the first letter I want a reminder to pop up on my calendar that if we
did not get a response, that someone tells the county that. Then someone has
to respond, one of 6 people, A,B,C,D, you, and me needs to get this message.
Then someone has to send the follow up because information with an
insufficient information letter. 30 days after the follow up letter someone
has to send a message that the client is having their case closed. Can you
do it?"
To which I responded "no," I don't have the background, but I can look online.
When I did, It seemed simple in theory.
I set up “Per Diem Log Display Query†to bring the Per Diem Table info. I
programmed the two columns to calculate 30 days.
I set up “Ini30days†to display those cases with no follow up letter sent
and 30 days <today. I did the same with “Insuff30daysâ€
I set up a macro to open both forms on start.
I made a form for both queries.
I set up a third form to open the Per Diem Table and both queries’ forms.
The assumption is that noone will cancel the reminder until it is taken care
I got coding out of a VBA book from 2000 and I think I might have applied it
wrong to the Initial Response Letter Form:
‘Enabled the following References
‘MS Access 11 Object Lib
‘OLE Automation
‘DAO 3.6
‘Activex 2.8
‘Outlook 11.0 Object Lib
‘OLAP Designer Server 8
‘OLE DB provider
‘OLE DB Service component 1.0
‘Activex 2.8 Obj Lib
Option Compare Database
Dim objoApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objAppt As AppointmentItem
Private Sub Appointment_click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Ini30Days", acViewNormal, acReadOnly
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
Do While IsNull([Facility Name]) = False
If IsNull([Day30Ini]) = False And IsNull([Follow up letter to client due to
non return of packet]) = True And IsNull([Date Packet Returned to DFD]) =
True And [Calendar Ini Set] = False Then
Set objAppt = objoApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
objAppt.Subject = "Per Diem Letter Needs Follow Up Letter"
objAppt.Body = "It has been 30 days since the " & [Facility Name] & " Per
Diem packet was sent out with no action and no follow up, please see to it
that this letter is followed up."
objAppt.Start = [Day30Ini] & " 8:30"
objAppt.End = [Day30Ini] + 10 & " 8:30"
objAppt.ReminderSet = True
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End Sub
Now even had this worked, I have 2 problems with this.
Problem 1, how do I set this appointment on other people’s calendars?
I could do it as a meeting, but then I don’t have the coding for setting a
Problem 2, once the task is done, how do I get rid of the reminder on the
other 5 people’s machines? I think the solution I thought of would take care
of this issue too, but if we used reminders, how might it be done?