Sessions across multiple projects


Stanley Glass

Ok I have our Intranet up and I want to add a new project to run under the
intranet, making use of its sessions.However, when I move the new project to
the dev system (removing the globabl.asax and web.config) the session
variables are not there in the second app. The second app is a virtual
directory under the main site, could that be the problem? If so does anyone
know how to make a virtual directory into just a plain directory in IIS?



Alvin Bruney

session cannot be shared across applications. that constitutes a security
violation. store the data in a database if you must.

John Saunders

Stanley Glass said:
Ok I have our Intranet up and I want to add a new project to run under the
intranet, making use of its sessions.However, when I move the new project to
the dev system (removing the globabl.asax and web.config) the session
variables are not there in the second app.

Do you mean that there is no global.asax or web.config? If so, why?

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