We have over 130 new users that signed on within 3 weeks. Once in a great
while we get email from some user who cannot create account successfully.
Here is the scenario
New user will need to create an account so they will click on create account
button. First page will ask for special code and then click on continue
which they have no problem with and the code is stored in session before
moving on to next page. The 2nd page is where the user will create the user
name, password, enter address, and so on. There is two buttons on that page
that are clear and continue. When the user clicks on continue, it will save
those information to the database and some into session that needs to be
carry over to the 3rd page. When they click on continue, it takes them back
to the home page (default.aspx) and no data is stored into the database (MS
SQL). We have two users so far that cannot do this. I am guessing it is
settings in the Internet browser but any idea what I need to look for?
Session expired?
I use response.redirect to control, which pages they need to go to. In the
continue button click event, there is only one response.redirect that takes
them to the 3rd page. On the 3rd page' load event, I check for session
(username) for emptiness and if it is then I send them to the default page
so obvious something is wrong with the session. I am thinking it is expired
or settings in the Internet browser but what do I check for?
while we get email from some user who cannot create account successfully.
Here is the scenario
New user will need to create an account so they will click on create account
button. First page will ask for special code and then click on continue
which they have no problem with and the code is stored in session before
moving on to next page. The 2nd page is where the user will create the user
name, password, enter address, and so on. There is two buttons on that page
that are clear and continue. When the user clicks on continue, it will save
those information to the database and some into session that needs to be
carry over to the 3rd page. When they click on continue, it takes them back
to the home page (default.aspx) and no data is stored into the database (MS
SQL). We have two users so far that cannot do this. I am guessing it is
settings in the Internet browser but any idea what I need to look for?
Session expired?
I use response.redirect to control, which pages they need to go to. In the
continue button click event, there is only one response.redirect that takes
them to the 3rd page. On the 3rd page' load event, I check for session
(username) for emptiness and if it is then I send them to the default page
so obvious something is wrong with the session. I am thinking it is expired
or settings in the Internet browser but what do I check for?