Session lost. Test and Live projects.



Hello. Maybe someone can help me.
My development computer has: WindowsXP SP2 and MSSQL Server 2000 and
IIS 5.0(or 5.1)
Our webserver has: Windows2003 SP1 and MSSQL Server 2005 and IIS 6.0
We are storing sessions in MSSQL Server 2005

My description.
I dont have any problem, the problem is at webserver.
I have some project, that i upload to webserver when i updated some
code. Everything fine for now.
Last time i made a lot of changes in code, so i wanted to put in
web-folder copy of real project. This copy will be in another folder,
and for this "copy-project" i created separate database. Its just copy
of real project, i just changed database name in web.config
Of course these 2 projects have same name for their dll in bin folder.
For example myproject.dll.
So, these two dll were started in one time. I am storing some
serialized objects in Session. And user's entered data are stored in
these objects.

The symptoms are:
Entered data (by user) not shows.
For example. I have the page with frames. User can go through pages
like Windows's tabs. When user load this one "tab", controls must be
filled with user's data, which he entered earlier. But all fields are
BUT! I began to have same problem with live project when i started test
I think there is the problem with two sessions. i think they are
intersect each other, and this is the cause why i am receving no data
from Session object.

How to solve this problem ? I dont want to loose any session variable
in both projects.
and also i want to start them at one webserber, just in separate
folders and separate databases.

S. Justin Gengo


The first thing I'd do is test if your theory is correct. Have you tried
removing the test project to see if the live website functions correctly


S. Justin Gengo
Web Developer / Programmer

Free code library:

"Out of chaos comes order."


I even dont know what to think.
I started test project at last friday.
I saw that session veriables were not stored (i also tried at machine
where i never login to test project). I saw problems at both machines.
I stopped test application. After some period of minutes (possibly
session timeout 40min) everything worked fine on both computers.
I tried at home at saturday. I had this problem just once.
I tried now. I had this problem just once also.
So, first time i entered data then go and back from another page, the
data were lost.
I close browser, open it, log-in again. This time data wasn't lost.

But when i had test app running, i lost my data in 90% of cases.

Why i have this problem now at my first today log-in ? Test app was
stopped at friday.
I dont think there is the problem with cookies. I erased all cookies
after each occuring of problem. I changed cookiename at test app at
friday, erase my cookies after that, and still got same problem.

And what to do ?


I just tried to launch test and live app in one time at my machine.
No problem. No data were lost. No session variables went from one
project to another.

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