I'm looking for a program can start and stop services, so I don't have to
be so deep in my OS to do so
Try ServiWin at
It is a stand alone program that does not need any installation,
just copy the three files to any directory you want. You only
need the exe file to use it though. I use this on my computer
all the time and would not be without it.
ServiWin utility displays the list of installed drivers and services
on your system. For some of them, additional useful information
is displayed: file description, version, product name, company that
created the driver file, and more. In addition, ServiWin allows you
to easily stop, start, restart, pause, and continue service or driver,
change the startup type of service or driver (automatic, manual,
disabled, boot or system), save the list of services and drivers to
file, or view HTML report of installed services/drivers in your
default browser.